Are You in Pain?
Back problems are degenerative, getting worse and more frequent over time.
We offer a variety of adjustment techniques in order to personalize your treatment.
What if we could effectively treat your chronic pain without drugs or surgery?

Headaches or migraines?
Neck pain?
Back pain, throbbing or stiffness?
Arthritis or numbness in extremities?
Difficulty sleeping or working?
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We have developed a unique clinical treatment that combines a drug-free, non-surgical approach with the most advanced PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY available. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.

Our treatment works for a wide variety of conditions. If you are suffering with pain, there may be hope! Schedule your Complimentary Consultation today.

Do you have chronic pain that you have been told you have to live with?
Do you feel like you have tried everything possible, but haven't felt any results? Chiropractic care can help.
Have you been told that surgery is your only option? We can eliminate pain and increase mobility, without drugs or surgery.
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It is common to think that doctors of chiropractics are only for when you have pain in the neck or back, but what people do not know is that they do way more than that. They offer services ranging from allergies to headaches to fibromyalgia. Our team at Galveston Physical Medicine is here to provide quality care to help you recover; we offer various treatment options to help patients achieve their ideal health.
Our options offer more than just allergy medicine, we help your body build the strength it needs in order to fight the allergies. An allergy is an immune response where your body becomes hypersensitive to foreign substances like pollen, hair, dust, and hay causing sneezing, rashes, coughing, and congestion in hopes to dispel them from your body. In extreme cases an allergen can cause severe reactions such as seizures and anaphylactic shock, this requires immediate medical help.
What physical conditions can chiropractic therapy help with? To put it simply, your vertebral column (your spine) acts as a protective shell engulfing your spinal cord. The spinal cord is how your brain communicates with every system in your body. If you have a misaligned vertebrae, it may be affecting a nerve. The reason this is so important is because it has been discovered that your nervous system plays a major role in how your brain communicates with your immune system. If that is the case then if your nervous system is forfeit then your immune system could be affected as well. A chiropractor is a specialized doctor who is trained in treating and relieving pain from the musculoskeletal system by alleviating pressure through physical manipulation of spinal vertebrates. By doing this therapy you are helping your body function at its highest potential and helping it fight diseases and infections faster.
In between each of your vertebrae you have squishy pads called intervertebral discs, these discs encompass nerves in a thick solution surrounded by cartilage. The discs are vital for numerous reasons, one being they provide movement in the spine. When these discs start to deteriorate, the spine will become stiff and inflexible which could start to fuse the discs together. The discs help create space between each vertebrae, nerves travel through those spaces and if that space becomes too small then the nerves can become pinched in between causing a pinched nerve or, more drastically, killed off entirely. The spaces also act as a stress and shock absorber. When your back moves at all, that thick solution provides the environment for the disc to expand and compress, so if you have a misalignment, your disc can herniate, slip, bulge, or in extreme cases can rupture. However, a misalignment may not be the only cause for a disc problem, age plays a key factor as well. Old age can cause your disc to become fragile and hydrated, and not only can these factors put stress or pressure on your nerves, it will also cause excessive pain.
Let us help you if you are suffering from these conditions, call us for a no obligation consultation at Galveston Physical Medicine. We know that surgery is risky, highly expensive, time consuming for you and your family, and can have serious, long-lasting side effects. However, there is a safer solution through chiropractic therapy where a majority of people are healed naturally. Let us provide an alternative path for you.
Whiplash is the most common automotive injury; after being hit by an object from behind or the side, the neck can be whipped back and forth violently like the cracking of a whip. From the violent motion, the muscles in the neck will become strained and overextended thus making the neck stiff and sore. Whiplash can do a volume of things to you, the rapid whipping motion that occurs during an accident will most likely lead to structural damage. Like previously mentioned, these types of misalignments can cause bulging discs, and in extreme cases cause the discs to rupture causing nerve damage.
Chiropractic therapy has been scientifically proven to help soft tissues as well as structural damage which are caused from whiplash. To help whiplash patients we at Galveston Physical Medicine have a specific routine of low force manual adjustments. We make it a priority to ensure that pressure is removed from the nerves and that your motion is restored. Give us a call so you can finally put your accident behind you.
This is the most common form of arthritis, it is where the cartilage between the joints is worn down thus creating pressure and pain in those areas. There is a higher probability of developing OA when you have suffered an injury in the joints such as the knees, hands, hips, back, and neck. This condition can have a major effect on your body and can make life a painful struggle, it could also take its toll on the rest of your body as well due to compensation. When you injure a part of your body like your foot, ankle, knee, or hip you have to compensate for the weight it has to bear by putting all that weight on the opposite appenditure which creates more problems. It puts pressure on other parts of your body like your knees, ankles, hips, and back. Pain medication only puts a bandaid on the real problem, but chiropractic therapy can help fix the problem rather than postpone it. Chiropractic therapy can take the pressure away from the nerves and joints that come from compensation. Adjustments can help restore full motion to joints both in affected and unaffected areas. Here at Galveston Physical Medicine, treating your every ache and pain is our priority.
Joint dysfunction is a condition where the joints have lost full range of motion and are stiff. There are various causes to this condition which include poor posture, injury, or muscle imbalance. Similar to arthritis, compensation plays a role because it causes additional pain. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is the most common joint dysfunction, it is where the tailbone attaches with the pelvis. Joint dysfunction will create pain and discomfort in the lower back and it will greatly limit movement of your hip.
A common mistake with sacroiliac dysfunction is that it is oftentimes mistaken for sciatica or a herniated disc. Let us here at Galveston Physical Medicine correctly diagnose and treat your pain, we will perform a thorough physical exam as well as distinct adjustments that will help reinstate a range of motion and relieve you of your discomfort.
In general, a majority of everyone experiences either neck or back pain in a day whether that is due to poor posture from sitting at a desk all day or something else. Poor posture and micro-traumas along with other things can cause misalignments within your spinal column. These misalignments will lead to pain due to the compressed nerves and/or discs. If you live with the pain and do not get treatment, it can lead to more serious consequences down the road like total loss of nerves and increased pain. But here at Galveston Physical Medicine we are ready to help you alleviate your pain and get you back on your feet.
For some people headaches are an everyday occurrence and an integrated part of their life. However a little known fact is that it is abnormal to have more than three or four headaches PER YEAR. There are contributing factors to how a headache can start like lack of sleep, stress, and loud noises but there may be a different underlying cause. Research has shown that 85% of headaches are associated with tautness of the muscles in the shoulders and neck generally caused by stress. Tense muscles in the neck and upper back around the surrounding vertebrae can cause pain as well as migraines or intense headaches. In scientific terms, a headache that is caused from tense muscles in the neck is called a cervicogenic headache. Symptoms that are associated with this type of headache are: aching pain at the base of your head and throbbing. The pain generally works its way up to the forehead and you will experience pain behind the eyes. At Galveston Physical Medicine we will massage and perform chiropractic adjustments to help alleviate any muscular discomfort and tightness in the neck. Repeated chiropractic care has been proven to relieve headaches, just ask out patients!
Sciatica is where pain runs down the sciatic nerve which runs through the lower back, hips, and tailbone (sacrum) and down the back of the leg. This is commonly seen in individuals who are middle aged to elderly. Sciatica generally occurs when there is a misaligned or herniated disc in the back; for example, if a person has disc issues in their lower back it can create more pressure causing more pain. It is a common misconception that the pain is caused in the hip(s); however, the pain you feel coming from the buttocks is from the sacroiliac joint where the tailbone meets the pelvis. People who are suffering from sciatica have sharp, burning pain sometimes feeling like an electric shock, the pain can worsen when one coughs or sneezes. Sciatica only affects one of the legs, not both at the same time. We at Galveston Physical Medicine can and will treat this hindrance without surgery, resulting in the issue being resolved without pharmaceuticals.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is where the nerve running from your forearm to your hand is pinched or pressed at the wrist causing pain. This is a very common condition in older people as well as people who work at a computer for long periods of time. Carpal tunnel occurs when repetitive movements of the wrist and fingers combine with poor posture. This specific combo generates stress as well as the usual ‘wear and tear’. All nerves originate in the spinal column, this even includes the nerves all the way in your fingers. Therefore, chiropractic care such adjustments and learning proper posture can greatly alleviate your pain and release the pressure from your nerves and joints. We can help improve your quality of life here at Galveston Physical Medicine!
There is no specific definition for fibromyalgia, but medical professionals describe it as widespread chronic pain and tenderness. Symptoms may include pain across the whole body (especially in the joints), fatigue, sleep problems, headache, and depression from the pain. The pain can be described as either mild or intense with burning, sharp, constant shooting pain all over the body. Since fibromyalgia is a chronic condition there is no known cure; however, there is vast research on how chiropractic care helps to greatly relieve the pain people suffer from. Here at Galveston Physical Medicine we do our best to help you enjoy your life again by helping to relieve the constant pain.
A variety of conditions have been traced back to a pinched nerve ranging from migraines to infertility to heart attacks. A pinched nerve happens due to a misalignment of structures that squeeze the nerves that come off of the spinal cord. While the compressed nerve causes pain, it can also cause problems elsewhere in the body; for example, a simple misalignment can cause a drastic migraine. Because our physicians at Galveston Physical Medicine are aware of this, part of our appointment is spent doing a full body exam.
We have discussed a variety of different conditions that chiropractic care can help handle or help with. Chiropractic care not only helps with pain relief but also with prevention care through continued maintenance. It is important to schedule regular visits to help maintain the proper structure of your spine which in turn helps keep the systems in your body healthy and functioning at its maximum potential.
Feel free to give us a call at Galveston Physical Medicine for a consultation where we can help map out your health and keep your physical body functioning correctly.


Improved Mood
Improve your overall health and regain your vitality for life.

Pain Relief
Improve the position of the spine and discs for pain relief.

Reduced Medications
Medication and surgery don't have to be the answer.

Active Lifestyle
Stop wasting time with plans that don't work and get your life back!